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Below is a collection of insightful quotes categorized for startup founders and experts.

Founder's Attitude
  1. "I didn't think, I experimented" - Anthony burgess
  1. Execution is where the value of an idea originates. There are too many dreamers in this world.
  2. The hardest part of a startup isn't building the tech, it is how you execute the idea you have
  3. "To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed ... Execution is worth millions.” -- Steve jobs
  4. In many different fields, outsiders overestimate the value of ideas and underestimate the difficulties of execution. - @paulG
Before you start
  1. "When you have an idea for a startup, ask yourself: who wants this right now? Who wants this so much that they'll use it even when it's a crappy version made by a two-person startup they've never heard of? If you can't answer that, the idea is probably bad. - @paulG
  2. If you are just starting out, are you ready to potentially do this for the next decade? In retrospect, a lot of founders feel they picked their company idea too quickly, and they would have picked something they were more passionate about if they realized it was such a long haul. A startup can be awesome if you believe in it: if not, it can get old quickly.
After launch and forever
  1. "Actually startups take off because the founders make them take off… The most common unscalable thing founders have to do at the start is to recruit users manually. Nearly all startups have to do. You can’t wait for users to come to you. You have to go out and get them.” - @paulG
  2. Many entrepreneurs think that if you build a killer product, your customers will beat a path to your door. We call this line of thinking The Product Trap: the fallacy that the best use of your time is always improving your product. In other words, “if you build it, they will come” is wrong.
On growing
  1. If you’re starting a company, chances are you can build a product. Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don’t have are enough customers. Traction and product development are of equal importance and should each get about half of your attention. This is what we call the 50% rule: spend 50% of your time on product and 50% on traction. -@Weinberg
  2. You will not grow until you build something that people love, there is an iterative process to it  - @Sama
  3. One of the most important things the founders can do as the startup grows is to continue to insist on delighting customers.
On Product features
  1. It's not the overbuilding features per se that kill startups. It's that they were building instead of talking to customers, and thus built the wrong thing. But the absence of the right features kills, not the presence of too many. - @paulG
  2. The idea comes last. The way you actually prepare is by learning how to build things. - @paulG
  1. To succeed in startups you don't need to be an expert in startups. Be an expert in your users —
  2. Half the advice I give to startups is some form of "talk to your customers."- @paulG
  1. Studying your wins at a startup can teach you much more than looking at losses. Markets are crowded, and the status quo has mega-gravity. There are so many reasons not to pick your product, it's amazing that anyone does. Understanding who loves your stuff and why is the key to growth
  1. Sustainable product engagement growth (i.e. more customers getting engaged over time) is hard for any investor to ignore.
  1. You can hire people to build. But you cannot buy vision, leadership, and passion that is the difference.
  1. The best way to learn what customers want is to try to sell them something.

I will keep on updating this list as and when I find more insightful quotes. Please contact me in case there is incorrect or missed crediting of the quotes.